b'Slow pitch jigs such as the Tana Ayia were working well for the writer.Chris had been fishing the past twoThe snapper were in fat pre-spawn days on a friends boat and was talkingcondition and the boat had its limit by up how he scored the biggest fish of1pm on ice in the large Icey-Tek bin.the day so was confident of his chances today.While Tom hadnt been fishing in a year due to work and new baby commitments so was super keen to drop lures down and get into it.Nick and I went over some of the new kit he had brought along and between us and the boats combos we could have started up a tackle shop!WORK-UP HUNTNGHeading out and Mike found several gannets north of Waiheke that looked worth checking out, but they were on the move constantly and with no dolphins to support their efforts, they werent diving.We kept moving and stopping to scan the horizon with binos while dropping lures down to pick up a few fat pannies whilego further north, and I could see in theI grabbed my slow pitch combo to run looking for better action.Chris landedfar distance circling birds, almost in lineup the front of the Walk Arounds bow a nice 3-4kg fish and was skiting it waswith the top of Channel Island over onand as soon as I looked into the boiling the leading fish, but I replied it probablyour far right and sure enough we foundwater, I could see fish scales everywhere.wouldnt stay that way. them.The dolphins, whales, and divingA sure sign that big fish were below us This was our pattern over the nextgannets were at the party in a tight patchand dropping the Ocean Angler Bruised couple of hours as we spent a lot of timeas the baitfish were contained by all theBanana Fish Finger down it was getting traveling and looking for work-ups butpredators.Conditions were flat calm andhit on the drop while I tried to film with couldnt find any.We made the call towith sun out, this was angling heaven! the Go-Pro in my other hand! /FISHINGINGODZONE45'