b"SPEARFISHINGTom with a great kingie taken last summer, using the correct gear makes all the difference.The material that your float line isfloats, is strong, UV stabilized and cheap.unlikely that it'll go deep. In this instance made from is just as important asIf you're not consistently targetinganything that floats will suffice, with a everything else, a cheap nylon rope canbig fish then the old rope float line isrigid ronstan float, inflatable PVC float or break easily, tangles or gets knottedsufficient but like your gun, investing ina foam float will be more than adequate and is not a good to have when fightingbetter equipment will see you land manyfor most kingfish. Of most importance is kingfish. You want something you cangood fish for years to come.Dont forgetthat your float has a flag so that you can put all your strength into when keeping athe shackles, shark clips and crimps onbe seen by fellow divers and boaties.kingie out of the rocks, so a solid durableyour floats lines and guns are also justLast but certainly not least on your list float line is crucial.Your first option isas important, ensure that all hardwareof kingfish specific gear is a knife, and a spectra fusion style line, composedis tested and match the breaking strainit has got to be sharp. As mentioned of 32 stands of molten polyethyleneof your lines. There is no point havingthroughout this article, kingfish are big, fused together over an internal middlea rope that can handle every strain butpowerful, and fast, just three of the many braid it is abrasion and UV resistant,clips that cant, remember your takingreasons why spearos love targeting with a tensile strength of 800lbs.Thison one of the hardest fighting fishthem.Dealing with kingfish in the is one of the strongest float lines on thein Godzone. water can be incredibly dangerous, one market and you will have no qualms onmoment the fish can be almost dead on putting it to the max on a big kingfish,FLOAT the surface and next it can be powering this high quality and unrivaled floatFinally, you need a float to bring theback to the seafloor with you in tow!line does come at a price though, so ifrig together. Again, there are qualityIt is important to always be aware of you are looking for the step down thenAmerican made floats that can gowhere your float line and shooting line the cheaper PVC float line with a nylondown 30m and come up again. Threeis, ensure it is not wrapped or tangled on or dyneema core is another option. atmosphere floats are a must if the fishyour fins, weight belt, around your head, Although slightly cheaper depending onyou are targeting will be able to pull yourarms, or legs. Should a loop of line form the brand, is still as strong, the downsidefloat down to deep for extended periodsaround you stay calm and quickly remove being they are bulkier for travel andof time, fish like marlin, tuna, and otherit as fast as possible, if you cant, then stiffer. Finally, what many spearosbig tropical species can do this howeverreach for your knife and cut yourself use is the good old polypropylene/ it is highly unlikely that a kingfish willfree, no fish is worth your life. This polyethylene combined float line rope.drag your float down for more than asummer remember to dive with a buddy, Immensely popular around Godzone as itfew seconds at a time and even morestay alert, have fun and dive safely.FIGZ70FISHING IN GODZONE JAN/FEB 2023"