b'DESTINATION on the bottom, another good fight and On my very first cast with a Z-Man Atomic Sunrise 5 it was hit hard in 10m and soon had a nice 50cm snapper on the deck.Tubba was fishing opposite us in Shawns boat Woo-hah and he scored a bigger 56cm snapper.his fish was just over 70cm (7.5kg) and we tried to release it, but it was spent so kept for the smoker.We tried to get Scott onto a good fish for the next half an hour, but the bite went off and we couldnt locate the baitfish schools.We were thirsty and getting hungry as we headed back to the lodge and meet up with the others who had arrived around the barbie with beers.They were all keen to see our larger fish after having mixed fishing out off Webs Senator Tin Bum heads out from Rangiputa Beach on the day of the contest.Scott bagged an impressive 78cm fish using a slider drifting from 30-40m in Rangaunu Bay.The next morning Webs arrived towing30m mark.They had broken down and his boat Tin Bum and with three boats,needed a tow in, so Brian headed out we split into teams to head out and findin Cloud 9 to help.They couldnt get the fish.We started out together andthe outboard going so we gave them a only got about 600m from the beachtow back in which meant we lost two when we saw a lot of birds working andhours of fishing time.Back at Reef fish on the surface, never leave workingLodge and another boatie had been up to birds is the motto so we all startedHenderson Bay and slayed the fish that casting softbaits. morning, so we made the call to get up On my very first cast with a Z-Manthere and after a good 40-minute ride we Atomic Sunrise 5 it was hit hard in 10mstarted fishing just after 2pm.and soon had a nice 50cm snapper onIt started off slowly as we hunted for the deck.Tubba was fishing opposite ussign and then at 30m we found thick bait in Shawns boat Woo-hah and he scoredschools when my Super Orange 100gm a bigger 56cm snapper.Over the nextSlider simply stopped, as I lifted it as the hour we had landed kahawai, trevs, andweight came on and I thought it was a snapper in all three boats and used lessJD at first but then it woke up and tore than 2-3 litres of fuel each. line from my new Daiwa TD Sol MQ We decided to head out to deeperat a constant speed.The fish put up a water as it was nearing 11am and ongreat fight and went 68cm (6kg), which the way out we got a call from my unclewe kept for the smoker.Brian dropped who was fishing on a mates boat at thedown and was hit as soon as it landed 58FISHING IN GODZONE JAN/FEB 2023'