b'Dont forget to put in a pause after eachfishing an area and nothing is happening,prey but still be able to see their prey.sweep as this can be the moment the fishtry a fast retrieve across the surface,Any surface activity and birds working strikes and a head up-tail down positionsimply to create a long trail of bubblescan be an indicator that there is an active is part of the act. and splashing. This can draw fish to thefood chain with Mr Kingfish joining the When a kingfish follows your lure orsurface and then help you target themparty. Reef systems with good current tries to eat it, just keep working yourmore effectively. are classic places for kingfish to prowl lure - dont change anything too quickly.Times and Places so use your sounder to look for baitfish If you have packs of fish following butKingfish follow their food and as thearound structure.not striking on multiple follows, I willtemperatures rise and there is moreIt can be a lot of work to get your first change my retrieve to sharp and shortbaitfish activity, so does the kingfishkingfish on a stick bait but once you do, jerks, again with pauses. This causes a lotactivity increase. The change of light isits like you have discovered the joy of more splashing and commotion and canalso a key phase of the day as predatorsfishing all over again. Perseverance will help trigger the attack instinct. If youreuse low light to be concealed from theirsee that day come.FIGZ /FISHINGINGODZONE27'