b'Editorial Issue 55 - 2024FISHING IN GODZONE Issue #55COVER PHOTO A 48cm gurnard caught surfcasting off Ripiro Beach. Photo: Craig Tubba Clement Inset image: Testing the new Oceanpro 620HTEDITOR AT LARGE Mathew HewetsonWRITERS & CONTRIBUTORS Scott Cushman, Hayden Porter, Drone Fishing NZDESIGN This snapper was taken onBlockstart a softbait and spring is thewww.blockstart.co.nzideal time to use lures withPUBLISHER increased baitfish schools andMarlin Marketing Limited aggressive predators. Mathew Hewetson 022 355 0588 mathew@marlinmarketing.co.nzS eptember has arrived and soto give you good pointers on how toFishing In Godzone is subject has spring!During winter,approach fishing them.many anglers have beenSeptember through to November offers in hiding, with their boatsthe best workup fishing for size andto copyright in its entirety.The dormant and tackle gatheringduration.They are welcome relief forcontents may not be reproduced in any form, in whole or in part, dust.Well shake off the slumber, get outmany anglers and charter operators afterwithout the written permission the Inox and spray down the reels, lures,the leaner months over winter. of the publishers. All copy, trailer winch and get the outboard in forBefore you head out on the water thisphotos or other material forwarded to the magazine a service, its time to go fishing. spring, if you havent used your favouritewill be assumed intended for Springtime sees the return of largerfishing rod for a while, then I wouldpublication unless clearly labelled not for publication.baitfish schools which are in turnsuggest respooling your mainline withOpinions expressed from such followed by bigger predators lookingfresh line.It pays to replace your braidcontent are not necessarily those of the publisher.to gorge on the bounty after theevery couple of seasons, you dont want leaner months of winter.Snapper andto bust off on a trophy fish which mightISSN 23821655kingfish are schooling up to put on goodhave been a PB. fishingingodzone.co.nzcondition ahead of late spring spawnsMake sure you also retie leaders, check/fishingingodzoneand their more aggressive nature at thishooks, or split rings and replace on lures, time of year means using lures is your goclean out the tackle box and restock with top option. new gear so you are ready to go and for When you head out on the water,any occasion when out on the water.especially from Bream Bay in NorthlandTime spent preparing at home before and down into the Hauraki Gulf you arehitting the water means more fishing likely to encounter a spring workup.Thistime and fun playing fish.is where huge schools of pilchards orRemember daylight savings starts at anchovies are rounded up by dolphinsthe end of the month on Sunday 29th with gannets raining down from above. September, and this gives us even more Underneath these and snapper,hours to chase fish, what a score!kahawai and kingfish will be joining theGet out on the water this spring and party, dropping jigs through the watersafe fishing.column will soon see you hooked up.WeMathew Hewetson Editor at largehave a workup tips story in this issue 8FISHING IN GODZONE MAGAZINE'