b'FeatureWe normally fish with no more than a seven-hook trace, as this is ample for attracting fish to take a bite.If you happen to get a good haul of, say five good fish on at once, this is more than enough weight to haul in at one time on a rod and reel.Breakout sinkers were developed for surfcasting on sandy beaches and are also a must for drone fishing.We normally fish with no moreBeach Rig for Dronesthan a seven-hook trace, as this is ample for attracting fish to take a bite.If you happen to get a goodFishing Rod & Reelhaul of, say five good fish on at once,Braid Mainline Monofilament 50-80LB Backbone 250LBthis is more than enough weight to haul in at one time on a rod and reel. Swivel Individual Traces Sinkerwith HooksBREAKAWAY SINKEROn the outer end of the backbone, the sinker is attached, and the selection of sinker is of critical importance to the setup. Typically, we use between a 3-5oz breakaway sinker with metal prongs that can be set. These types of surfcastingcurrent. The great thing about thesekind of sacrificial release should sinkers function as anchors in thesinkers is that when you are ready tothe sinker get snagged, particularly sand to your rig once they arebring in your line, simply give themwhile retrieving the line once you dropped and are set in the sand.a good pull on the line and the wiresare ready to bring it in. If the sinker Simply because you dont want yourfold back or break away. gets snagged, then the thin mono rig drifting up or down the beach inTypically, just attach the sinker tosimply breaks and there-by just the current.the backbone with a short stretchlosing the sinker which is far better Catch rates decrease dramaticallyof 8-10lb monofilament line. Thisthan losing your backbone and if you have a rig that drifts in thehelps makes the sinker act as atrace setup!44FISHING IN GODZONE MAGAZINE'