b'SMART TACKLE POD holding a good fish andOn top of the recessedgear with me back to The additional tackle podare trying to retrieve yourwell is a light elastic bungythe car and didnt have on this kayak is anothercamera for the trophy shot. that can help stow itemsto worry about anyone smart feature that hasI was really impressedlike fish rags however Ihelping themselves when I been very well designedwith the tackle podsused it to keep my knifewasnt watching.and saves the anglerdesign; it has clearlyhandy and it workedBetween the centre well all kinds of hassle. It isbeen tested and refinedperfectly.The nice thingand seat is a round cover a generous 29 litres inby fishers. There is a baitabout the tackle podthat opens up and reveals volume and can take a lotcutting board on top and ais that the whole thinganother storage area in of gear. The removablesmall, recessed area behindunclips from the centrethe form of a removable Lowrance fish finder wasit for softbaits or tacklewell and you can takebucket. The bucket sits mounted at the front andand whatever you restall your gear with yousnugly in the well and can the battery was insidethere as it doesnt roll offwhen you walk back tohold (I would estimate) the pod anchored to thewhen fishing. I found thisthe car - your valuablesa good kilo of bait when floor with velcro. The lidgreat when I was changingand tackle etc. I foundcut up into hook-sized covers half the top and cansoftbaits as they couldthis gave me peace ofpieces. The bucket can be be opened one-handeddry out there safely or bemind as I carried my newremoved for washing at which is great when youreready to be tied on again. Lanza rods and expensivethe end of the day. The latest Lowrance Eagle 5 fish finder is the perfect companion for the Profish 400 - easy to use and plenty of solid fish finding technology.VIEW VIDEOTo view the Lowrance Eagle 5 sounder video reviewed on this Profish 400, click here! /FISHINGINGODZONE67'