b'Perfect weather conditions for fly fishing greeted Hayden and his team on the first day of the competition.A social trout fishingFly-Fishing Tournament.A veryto be at the spot and ready to go for social two-day tournament that seesthe start time. Chris told us to be competition in Taupous head to Taupo annually to enjoyup early and skip breakfast to make during winter for causalthree nights of hospitality, two fullsure we get to the spot we wanted days of guided fishing, with plentyfor day one.It had been raining freshwater angler Haydenof banter and tall stories. Most ofover the two previous days and with Porter, turned out to be onethe anglers are novices and this isovercast conditions, the forecast was often the only freshwater fishinglooking good.in a blue moon. undertaken for us from our usual F ishing saltwater orsaltwater adventures. DAY ONEThe first evening we met the otherWe headed up the Hinemiaia river freshwater can sometimesguys in the hotel lounge dressedon day one. Passing full carparks, we be fickle, and hoursof course in tweed for the drawwere relieved to find our chosen area spent chasing fish can beof the guides, where we drewempty as we pulled into a clearing challenging at times. Butexperienced guide Chris Brennan,for the track that would lead us to now and again you get awho was contracted by Jollys forour first fishing spot for the day, and brilliant day that will bethe tournament. We hatched a planthen work our way downstream. A hard, maybe even impossible to top. for the next couple of days as we hadshort hike and double river cross This was the case in early Augustto fish different rivers each day andsaw us find a stretch of river and as my friend Craig and I fished in thewe could also only fish between thepools that we could already see were Chris Jolly Outdoors - Worlds Besttimes of 8am and 4pm, so we wantedholding fish. /FISHINGINGODZONE29'