b'FeatureCatching fish is a different thing toquick fish turnaround continuedWith our arms aching at the 4pm spotting them as all fly fishers willthroughout the day, and we gotstop fishing time, we counted the tell you, so fly selection, coaching oninto a rhythm starting upstream,fish recorded in the book and were casting and mending is somethinghooking up and walking the fishstaggered that we managed 56 fish that the local guides are experts in.down to be landed, weighed, andbetween us that were all released!We decided to go with a combo ofmeasured for the tournament We also lost several throughout the indictor fishing and czech nymphing,and then repeat. The highlight wasday! We stayed humble at the bar with one up and one down streama 4.1kg (9.03 pounds) rainbowthat evening not giving too much with Chris coaching us fromthat Craig spent a lot of time onaway with our success, but everyone the sidelines. including getting snagged alongwas playing this game, so we had no Amazingly within a few caststhe way.This would be the largestidea where we stood. Our guide had we were both hooked up to solidfish caught by anyone over the nextcommented it was up there with one fish that were soon landed. Thistwo days. of his best days ever!30FISHING IN GODZONE MAGAZINE'