b'The clean and spacious cockpit stands out for its fishing space and U-DEK throughout always looks good while very practical.FISHABILITY grab rails for crew, oneaspect I seek in a boat thatshelves, alloy fairlead, While Mike was settingin front of the passengerappeals to a lot of boatbow, roof and transom up the drone, I familarisedseat, up on the top of theowners looking for a 6m+rails, telescopic ladder, myself with the boatroof in the cabin and alongpontoon boat. rear boarding platform, and liked the pedestalthe 8-rod rocket launcher. The boat also comeswalk-through transom seating and view out theAlways handy to havewith a long list of featuresdoor, 6 rod holders, bilge windscreen from thethese within reach whenincluding; washdownpump, 2 LED cabin lights, helm.The overhead hardgoing offshore in searchpump, live bait tank,6-way switch panel and top provided good headof big fish and those largerwindscreen wiper, two4-way switch panel with space for taller crewswells are around. swivel seats with bolster,USB socket, dual battery members and the helmLooking around thetwo seat boxes to suitwith switch and hydraulic was uncluttered, Im notcockpit, the space ischilly bin storage, carpetedsteering.Mike had put a fan of having dozens ofexcellent and wouldroof and dash, carpeteda lot of the extras that a buttons or switches. accommodate 4-5 anglersfront cabin to pontoon6m+ boat needs for those There was also aeasily and again the 620line, cabin forwardsuccessful day trips or respectable number ofprovides that fishabilityhatch, cabin storageweekend missions. /FISHINGINGODZONE59'