b'The new Viking Profish 400time to get it set up andwith three Railblaza has certainly gone throughready for fishing. I had amounts ready to go and a successful period of refinement to make it an evenfew hours of the afternoonbrass screws already better fishing machine thanleft and a good-looking bitepre-installed for more its predecessors. time that overlapped withanchor points for all kinds sunset, so I was hopefulof accessories.even though it was the middle of winter. PROFISH UPGRADEI previously owned theIt was obvious Viking Viking Profish 440 so therehad not sat idle with the was a solid comparisonsuccess of earlier models I could make betweenbut had been continually the two kayaks. Whatdeveloping their kayaks in immediately struck me wasresponse to feedback and the amount of refinementtesting.The footrests had that had occurred to thesteering pads on the tops deck and hull since I lastso there were solid rests to paddled one of theseplace your feet, and your fishing machines. Theretoes were then free to push were quite a few mountingthe rudder right or left options for customisationthrough the steering rig. S itting in thethe fishing pod and was latest Vikingtelling me a lot about the Profish 400 onbottom below. With a the Hibiscuslittle bit of weed, it was Coast, I wasthe only structure I could slingingsee but it was the arrival softbaits across the waterof a baitfish school that and letting the gentlefilled the screen that held 5-knot breeze push memy attention. There are great features for anglers using the pod, including into deeper water. AThis was my first missionone handed access and closure new Lowrance Eagle 5on the new Profish 400,of the lid and the bungy for keeping items like knives from sounder was mounted onand I had taken a bit offalling into the water. /FISHINGINGODZONE63'