b'Designer and builder Mike is rapt with his new style pontoon design, the 620HT indeed looks great, with the signature shear line that now tapers at the bow. SpecsOCEANPRO 620 HARD TOPLength Hull 6.23m Length OA6.38m Beam OA2.42m Beam Internal - 1.72m Deadrise18 deg at transom 200L fuel tank Hull Weight1225kg including outboard Mike was now ready withwished we had gone outday out on the water and itmotor and full fuel.the drone, and I drove thefurther into the gulf andwasnt long until we could 1860L reserve boat at speed around thegone fishing, but puttingenjoy more days like thisbuoyancy in 4 sealed compartmentsempty bay and out intoblood and fish scales allfor boating.Mike advised 5mm 5083 the channel in flat calmover a brand-new boathe is very pleased with thealuminium hullconditions, pushing theisnt high on the agenda forfinished 620 result, and 3mm 5083 aluminium boat through tight circlesmost boat builders! he is excited to continuetop sidesand figure eights.It wasAfter twenty minutesthe roll-out of the new 6mm toughened a lot of fun as I got a goodthe drone filming waspontoon designs in 2024,glass windscreen.feel for the boat and thedone and Mike jumpedwith upcoming Oceanpro Price as tested: Yamaha and it really is aback into the boat as we570 hard top and 535$106,000*good package that givesheaded back to Halfmooncentre console models to (From date you confidence whenBay. We both agreed itcome.Watch this space!of publishing)boating, although I justseemed more like a springwww.oceanpro.co.nz /FISHINGINGODZONE61'