b'Tested CZ 600 LUXThe thick fog descends over the steep back country as the writerThe rifle has a struggles to find animals. classic look which I find appealing with the stock made from select grade walnut, with its decorative forend made of deep brown laminated wood.and with a bit more light and small breaks in the fog as the wind picked up, we walked about 400m from the hut and Matt spotted two animals out feeding.We had to move another 100m to find a spot to take a shot and he ranged the hind and young stag at just over 300m distance.He selected the hind and took the shot using his rifle and nailed it.A great shot and the pressure was off as we had an animal down, now it was my turn hopefully to bag one with the CZ.POOR WEATHER sun rose behind us.It wassaw us.It was good to seeEARLY EVENING CHANCEGetting up early thegoing to be challengingthey were out and about onMatt wanted to head to the next morning and Mattconditions as with littlethe cold winters morning. second block where he had collected me from town,wind about, it may takeWe hunted the morningseen fallow recently, so we and we had a good hourssome time to clear, and welooking for a suitable hindquickly recovered the hind drive north of Napier towere lucky to have 30-40mor spiker for the freezer,and got back to the ute and reach the farm and the dayvisibility at times. but the fog and occasionaldrove the quick trip to the was unfortunately lookingOn the drive up therain showers made fornearby farm as we were to bring bad weather. track on the quad a breaktough hunting.Matt madelosing light fast!Arriving at the farm andappeared in the fog andthe call for us to head backWe again swapped jumping onto the quadmore than 500m away weand have lunch and sit itvehicles jumping into a bike we were quite highsaw a big mob of red deerout back at the hut.Afterside by side and drove up in back country of theout feeding in the farmlanda welcomed hot coffeeover a farm track and I was Hawkes Bay and thick fogwhich quickly disappearedand some tucker, the sunamazed how many wild was rolling in slowly as theback into the scrub as theywas trying to come outgoats we passed in the 76FISHING IN GODZONE MAGAZINE'