b'HUNTINGMy heart rate was through the roof now, as I opened the bolt quietly and removed the round to see it had been hit by the firing pin but had not discharged.Could you believe it!I cycled another round from the magazine and lifted the rifle, but the hind was gone.As the sun rose and the crisp morning warmed-up, I watched that hill with my binos for over an hour when I was startled by a flash of white.Was it a bird? Then I saw a deers head emerge from a bush, head down feeding.It was a hind, and I could just see the neck and head with ears twitching.I brought the rifle up, closed the bolt quietly and placed the cross hairs on the neck and waited for a better shot.A couple of minutes passed and finally it had moved out and was standing in the clear and as I squeezed the trigger nothing happened! What? I took my eyes off the hind, hurriedly checked the safety and bolt, repositioned on the deer, and squeezed again, still nothing!My heart rate was through the roofFinding what ammo shoots well with now, as I opened the bolt quietly andyour rifle starts on the range first, before heading out into the bush.removed the round to see it had been hit by the firing pin but had not discharged.Could you believe it!I cycled anotherHead to the range to establish round from the magazine and lifted thewhich ammo provides the rifle, but the hind was gone.Did it hearbest groups.me below as I mumbled and fussed with the bloody rifle?There it was, standing 15m over on the right side of the hill now and in a better position, however she looked anxious as if sensing something was wrong, so I lined up her shoulder and bang, the thunder came and knocked her down hard as she rolled down the hill towards me at the bottom.What a relief, to shoot my first sika on my first trip but to have the drama of a misfire and thought I had lost my chance.This whole palava put me off that ammunition brand for life and ever since, I have been careful with what ammo I choose to hunt with.92FISHING IN GODZONE NOV/DEC 2021'