b'ResearchShark TaggingA dart tag attached to a juvenile school shark.TAGGINGs the waterscolouration on the tips of their A become warmerdorsal fins and the upper lobe over spring andof their tail.summer, we willNot to be mistaken for a SCHOOLsee an increasebronze whaler (Carcharhinus in the abundancebrachyurus), which is another and encounter rates of manycommonly encountered shark species. This is a resultspecies. Bronze whalers differ of adult sharks returning tofrom school sharks by having SHARKS coastal waters to pup, mate,a precaudal pit (a depression and/or feed.at the origin of the tail) as well One of the more commonas different colouration and species is the school sharktooth and tail shape.(Galeorhinus galeus). KnownFound throughout Godzone, by many names (tope,school sharks have been tupere, grey boy, and sandobserved as far north as the Marine researcher Alex Burton isshark), school sharks canThree Kings Islands and as undertaking important research on thebe distinguished from otherfar south as the Campbell species by their pointed,Islands, from coastal waters to common school shark or tope and needstranslucent snout, greyishout over the continental shelf help from Kiwi anglers over summer. upper body, and distinctivelyand slope. Unlike species that shaped tail. Young schoolare commonly observed at BY ALEX BURTON sharks also have blackthe surface, such as smooth 66FISHING IN GODZONE NOV/DEC 2021'