b'Shawn with a tasty gurnard which are common in the Kaipara caught on his new Tica Wanderer spin reel.Jay Wallace scored his PB 63cm (5kg) snapper pulled from a deep gut on the first day.late afternoon sun.A gurnard and a couple of pannie snapper were added to the tally which ended on 5 snapper, 1 gurnard, 1 trevally, several kahawai, and the school shark for the days fishing.Not bad overall but for seven anglers I was expecting a few more snapper.SUNDAY FIRESThe Sunday morning looked much more promising as we were greeted with no wind and heavy cloud cover.Much better conditions for surfcastingwith the wind forecast to turn to light easterlies.After a top cooked breakfast, we left the Pouto Hall around 10am as we needed the tide to drop to get back along the beach past the rocks to ourTubba films the release of the chosen spots. school shark on the Go-Pro. /FISHINGINGODZONE15'