b'ResearchShark TaggingAn adult school shark with Mini-PAT satellite tag. Image courtesy of Sue Tindale There have also been some interesting results so far such as one individualSchool Shark(Galeorhinus galeus)shark moving over 250km in 15 days.Greyish upper body colouration Thanks to the efforts ofwith Alexs project and theTranslucent snoutSimilar sized 2nd Dorsal fin & Anal fin Kiwis and the awareness thatTMRCT tagging program, you has been created about thewill be aiding in the research project and tagging program soand the conservation and far, school sharks around theprotection of this species country are being tagged within Godzone.dart tags, tagged individualsFor details on how andDistinctively shaped tail being recaptured and reported,what to report when youSmall blade-like teethand one of Alexs Mini-PATcapture, observe, or tag a tags that was attached andschool shark, or youd like released, has been recoveredmore information on the and returned. There have alsoschool shark research projectBronze Whaler(Carcharhinus brachyurus)been some interesting resultsand how to get involved, so far such as one individualcontact Alex on a.burton@shark moving over 250kmmassey.ac.nz. Alternatively,Colour layering around the eyeOlive-grey to bronzy abovein 15 days. See the TMRCTyou can visit the New 20/21 summer and the 2021Zealand School SharkPrecaudal pit autumn and winter reports for(NZSCH) and Tindale Marine more details. Research Charitable Trust By becoming a citizenFacebook pages and groups scientist and getting involvedor the TMRCT website.FIGZ White band on flankFOR MORE INFORMATIONOn the TMRCT tagging program contact: Narrow triangular teeth Upper tail lobe longer than the lower Alex or the TMRCT on burton@massey.ac.nz / tindaleresearch@xtra.co.nz Shark image credit Clinton Duffy.68FISHING IN GODZONE NOV/DEC 2021'