b'FREEDIVINGFOR SCALLOPSOne of the tastiest seafoodS callops are a sensitiverahuis and only take enough scallops topic lately, withfor a feed, numbers are in decline and treats in a shell to be foundnumbers aroundif we are not careful our North Island in Godzone, freedivingthe country in rapidbeds could end up like our South Island decline thanks to misscounterparts, with Golden Bay, the expert Dan Westerkampmanagement overfishingMarlborough Sounds and Tasman Bay provides his tips forand destructive fishingthe perfect examples of what happens methods. It is a shamewhen a scallop fishery is mismanaged finding scallops. that the Minister ofbeyond repair.Oceans and Fisheries,In saying that, with proper BY DAN WESTERKAMP David Parker has been so agonisinglymanagement, and the ban of dredging slow to decide on whether the outdatedamongst other measures will hopefully and destructive fishing method ofsee a healthy scallop fishery for years to dredging should be banned.come. It starts with recreational anglers, Communities have already taken localand we can take the lead and show that management into their own handsthere is no longer a need for dredges by placing a rahui (voluntary ban ofhere in Godzone. What is the alternative scallop taking). This summer makeway? Diving, and even better, freediving sure you respect locals, closed areas,for them./FISHINGINGODZONE45'