b'HUNTINGApart from your rifle and scope, the ammunition that you use is the other key point of difference to ensure you successfully bag Browning BXR is a Rapid Expansion an animal when out in the bush. Matrix Tip and a quality round ideal on all Godzone deer species.U sing quality ammunitionThe writer with his first stag shot goes a long way forusing Brownings .308 155gr BXR improved accuracy andwith impressive knockdown power. hunting success and we all have stories no doubt of rounds that have let us down when out in the field.I do too and although I wont name names here, I will retell the story and why I no longer use a particular ammo and have built trust in a few out of box brands.MISFIRE JITTERSI was on my first sika hunt into the Kawekas for a 3-day hunt and had taken a Remington rifle to test fire.The calibre was .270 and after we spooked a big stag on the first day but couldnt get a shot, we hadnt seen any further deer and on the last day we decided to split up to double our chances.My hunting companion headed north, and I went south.I had only gone a couple hundred metres from the hut and noticed a sunny face with spring grass growth and fresh deer sign, so decided to sit by a stream and watch it.90FISHING IN GODZONE NOV/DEC 2021'