b'Editorial June 2024 Issue 53This solid 57cm snapper was taken fishingIt is also recommended thatFISHING IN GODZONE where the Northernfish are photographed andIssue #53Wairoa River meetskept whole in the fridge, withCOVER PHOTO the Kaipara harbour inTesting the new Lanza SCT lure early May and was infish samples best when theyrod. Photo: Scott Cushmanprime condition. are sent to the lab for testing EDITOR AT LARGE within 24 hours.Some localMathew Hewetsonanglers are concerned thatWRITERS & CONTRIBUTORS the water quality could beScott Cushman, Craig Jenkins, an issue, but NorthlandAndrew Grant, Kate RogersRegional Council monitorsDESIGN Blockstart the Kaipara Harbour forwww.blockstart.co.nzwater quality and samplingPUBLISHER has not shown up anyMarlin Marketing Limited anomalies apart from anMathew Hewetson 022 355 0588 increase in chlorophyll inmathew@marlinmarketing.co.nzMarch that can indicate a start of an algal bloom.In a recent Herald article, Dr Kate Hutson from the CawthronFishing In Godzone is subject to copyright in its entirety.Institute was quotedThe contents may not be saying the symptomsreproduced in any form, in whole Z ombie fish have invaded thedescribed are common fish diseaseor in part, without the written permission of the publishers. All symptoms and the fact that snapper arecopy, photos or other material Kaipara harbour!With reportsbeing found near a freshwater inflow,forwarded to the magazine from some anglers that snapperwill be assumed intended for are being caught with milky,matches her experiences of recent fishpublication unless clearly labelled disease events. not for publication.Opinions bloodshot, and sunken lookingexpressed from such content eyes with sick looking flesh.ConcernsApparently marine fish move into areasare not necessarily those of have been raised with MPI and theirwith higher freshwater content to helpthe publisher.scientists say more testing of such fishtreat external diseases as pathogensISSN 23821655is required to find out what is causingand parasites on the fishes skin cannotfishingingodzone.co.nzthis.It could be a parasite or a versiontolerate freshwater.This way fish can/fishingingodzoneof the milky-white flesh syndrome thatrecover from infections.has afflicted fish on the east coast. My father recently commented that he Having fished on the Kaipara all myrecalled such similar experiences with life and spent a lot of time fishing therestrange looking snapper in the Kaipara every month since last December, Ithat were caught up the Northern havent seen this myself.However,Wairoa River back in the 1970s or many of my good mates and family from1980s, and that it isnt a new issue.Dargaville have caught the odd fishPerhaps with the ever-increasing sea lately that showed such symptoms, andtemperatures from global warming, they returned the fish to the water. these types of conditions help parasites As the Kaipara is the largest harbourto appear in greater numbers and it is in the Southern Hemisphere and ansomething we will see more often.important nursery for snapper off theWith the Kaipara offering some of west coast, MPI is concerned and hasthe best snapper fishing going, I hope asked for any fish caught with theit doesnt become a widespread issue condition to be reported as soon asfor anglers out west.possible on 0800-80-99-66. Mathew Hewetson Editor at large8FISHING IN GODZONE MAGAZINE'