b'Feature When the fishing is harder and youre fishing with braid, a longer leader can help improve your catch rate. I also use longer leaders when fishing with light line like 3kg mono as the extra length helps guard Tapered leaders areagainst the fish rubbing me off on favoured by surfcastersthe rocks. When I tried fishing 2kg and Sunline Castest leaders are a popularthe extra leader length saved me choice for Kiwi anglers. quite a few times.WHAT KNOTS TO USE?When tying a monofilament mainline to a leader, my favourite combination is to tie a Bimini twist in the mainline (a loop knot with 100% strength when tied correctly) and connect it to the leader with an Albright knot. This is an extraordinarily strong combo and has never failed me. It is worth learning the Bimini twist even though it is fiddlier than say doing a back-to-back uni knot. The back-to-back uni is good for lines of similar diameter/strength but once they become very uneven the knot fails quickly.Fluorocarbon or monofilament leader? I would recommend trialling both for your style of fishing to establish which gives you the best results.26FISHING IN GODZONE MAGAZINE'