b'FeatureDeciding whether to use fluorocarbon or mono is often the first dilemma with fluorocarbon being more expensive for better abrasion resistance and less visibility under the water.Kingfish require heavy leader so start out with 45kg (100lb) leader and go heavier if you expect to encounter larger fish in reefy terrain.An Albright knot is a good standardtheir sinker and bait way over thecomment however I took the spool knot for tying braid to your leader (ifwaves and the leader needs toand politely asked him to show me you dont like the Bimini - Albrightbe able to withstand this force orhow to tie a good knot. He tied his option). For stickbaiting, the FGthe line snaps easily. Sunline hasknot and pulled it and it held for a knot is considered a top choice andexcellent quality Japanese madegood two seconds before the line for jigging for kings, the PR knottapered leaders and their Castestbroke. On his third knot breaking is considered the go-to knot. Theleaders come in 15m lengths and arehe conceded that the line was last two knots take a bit of practicea favourite with a lot of surfcasters. the problem.and time to tie but are very strongWhen tying your knots, dont rush leader knots. WHAT HAPPENS IF MY LINEthem and gently pull them tight so One form of fishing I have notBREAKS A LOT? they are ready to fish. I like to take mentioned yet is surfcasting. ThereSometimes there are bad batchesa hold of my hook or lure after I are some specialised leaders forof line. It doesnt happen very oftenhave caught a few fish and give it surfcasting called tapered leadersand with lesser quality line thea decent tug to test it. If it snaps it that are required as shock leaders.strength can be inconsistent. Itssaves me from losing a fish because The line tapers in diameter andonly been a couple of times that Iof line fatigue or the line being strength from very strong to ahave encountered a dodgy spool ofweakened by abrasion.middle-class strength e.g. from 27kgline where every length I used hadLeaders are an essential part of to 10kg. The angler ties the lighterpoor knot strength. One was a rollmost forms of fishing. Investing in strength end to their mainline andof tippet (trout fishing terminologysuperior quality leader, refining your then ties their rig to the strongerfor leader) and when I took it backknot tying ability and learning the (heavier line) end. Surfcasters arethe shop staff told me I needed toright knots for the right situations using 13ft+ rods that generate alearn how to tie my knots better.are good practices that will up your huge amount of power to launchI could have taken offense at thiscatch and help you land great fish.28FISHING IN GODZONE MAGAZINE'