b'Tested Lanza Lure RodsHooked up to a good fish softbaitingGraeme tests the new 68 using the Lanza medium spin rod inoverhead (acid wrap) rod using the shallows near Houhora. slow pitch jigs off Rangiputa.They are very lightout from Reef Lodge inboat for another drift andPro to film the action weight and feel great inGraemes Smart Wave,this time we drifted offas we watched the rod hand, being 68 they arewe drifted and cast aboutthe shallow sand bankbend right over, and the more than adequate forthe boat.I was achievinginto the deeper channellittle 2500 Daiwa sung casting out softbaits andgood 30m+ casts andwhere I hooked up againin protest as the shark jigging using a variety ofsoon hooked up on ato another good fish thattook line at will.Graeme lures.Graeme has workedheavy fish that strippedstarted giving up as thechased it down in the boat hard to figure out the bestline at speed on blisteringLanza rod put the heat onas I started to get line back length to accommodateruns.It had to be a bigthe fish. It was nearing theand we had a tug-o-war most lure styles and youtrev and after a goodboat when it suddenly gotfor the next 10 minutes, can fish them using justfight, we netted a niceheavier and took a lot ofall while not believing the the one rod. trevally and measured itline at will.A big bronzieline hadnt yet parted.The I was keen to use thegoing well over 60cm, ithad grabbed it and I wasLanza rod was comfortable medium spin model firstwas released. now connected to it onunder such a heavy load, in the shallow harbourLets do that again, sojust 16lb Sunline braidand we were amazed that casting softbaits for bigmuch fun. I commentedwith 20lb leader, it wasthe bronzie was tiring and trevally that are commonafter the fish swam away. only going to end one way! now right under the boat in the harbour.HeadingWe repositioned theScott grabbed the Go- in only 8-9m of water.14FISHING IN GODZONE MAGAZINE'