b'The Fiordland Marine Guardians are Regional News entrusted for helping create greater protection of marine life in the Fiords.These new measures were designedBluefin tuna are one treasured to reduce amateur (recreational) takespecies often taken by recreational from the inner Fiords and force theanglers when fishing in Fiordland.effort out on to the coast, where the underwater sea life supports far larger populations.It is a misconception that due to Fiordlands vast internal waterways, there is supposedly little pressure, so the fishing must be outstanding.The truth is the internal fish populations have always been less, due to these waters becoming too deep so quickly. Only about 10 - 15% of the internal waters are shallow enough to support any sustainable colonies of fish and the supporting sea life (food) is far sparser compared to that found out off the coast.Certainly, in our 20+ years of operating charters in Fiordland we have noticed, and contributed to the decline and we fully support the reductions that have now been adopted.56FISHING IN GODZONE MAGAZINE'