b'However, times have changed.FIORDLAND MARINE GUARDIANS We have let the cat out of theRecently the Hon Shane Jones, bag and social media spreads theMinister for Fisheries, signed off on news very quickly these days.new rules as recommended by the So, with the inevitable increaseFiordland Marine Guardians after in personal wealth there arein-depth consultations with affected more and more people coming toparties.This was the culmination experience this amazing part of Newof a long-drawn-out process to Zealand (Godzone). concerns first brought to the This of course has increasedGuardians attention by the Charter pressure on all fishing andoperators of Fiordland in 2018/19.harvesting, especially the wet fish.With very generous limits of up to The lobster is a completely different30 finfish being allowed back then story. Between the commercial andand the ever-increasing pressure amateur fishers management, thefrom both charter clients and other rock lobster populations are gettingrecreational fishers using their own better whilst some wet fish speciesboats in recent decades, these limits are in heavy decline, especially inhave become too generous for the the internal waterways for sure. current stocks.Skipper Richard poses with a big blue cod taken out off the Fiordland coast where fish life is more prominent.The stunning Fiords offer an amazing playground for divers, anglers and hunters which need further protection for all Kiwis to enjoy.F or those recreational anglers reading this who have been coming to Fiordland for many years, you will have enjoyed some amazing experiences with the fishing, hunting, and diving on offer. Back in the early days of our introduction to the area, we saw easy fishing with few competitors, so the limits that were set back then were sustainable at that time. /FISHINGINGODZONE55'