b'Craig with the large boar he Feature shot and mistakenly thought was a cow in the distance!We made our way over to it andhear an impact from my shot, but Ius. We got ourselves in a steady were elated to find a very respectabledid hear Andrews .308 impact, so Ishooting position and Barnaby took head, a little weak in the palm on oneam unsure what actually happenedthe shot, it was perfectly placed, and side but still a particularly good head.there, but I will give him credit forthe deer dropped on the spot. We After some hand shaking and backthe kill. recovered the deer with the trusty slapping, we got the stag to a pointPolaris and headed back to the bach. where we could pick it up with theDAY FOUR I love it when a plan comes together. Polaris and head home, it was dark byI went out with one of the lessWhile Barnaby reckons that taking a the time we got back to the bach forexperienced guys in the crew withmeat animal home means he has the a well-deserved feed. the plan of getting a meat animal forwifes blessing to go hunting again.It was also interesting to find thathim take home. It didnt take longWe decided to try an area where there was only one bullet whichto spot a hind sunning herself on asome of the other guys in our group found its mark, on reflection I did notsheltered ridge about 230m fromhad heard a stag roaring a couple of 76FISHING IN GODZONE MAGAZINE'