b'Regional NewsCHARTER BOAT CHANGES It is a misconception that due to Fiordlands vast internal And surprisingly further changes are already in discussion. Charterwaterways, there is supposedly little pressure, so the operators elsewhere in Godzonefishing must be outstanding.need to take note!There are currently consultations on reducing recreational take limits if they go fishing with a charterpressure comes from across-the- are entitled to their full take of operator. The proposed take wouldboard. And whilst this will berecreational limit, if those same make it a maximum equal to 4applicable to all boats, most charterpeople, then go on a charter boat persons limit per trip for the wholeboats carry ten or more clients withwith a bigger group, they will group, irrespective of the clientprivate boats carrying far less. So,be disadvantaged.numbers aboard or the area fished.for smaller trailer boats, of whichSo, the big question is, will clients Even though the growth in fishingthere are far more nowadays, theyof a charter operator be entitled to 58FISHING IN GODZONE MAGAZINE'