b"With a grin from ear to ear and a Feature Finding sand biscuits on the bottomgurnard hanging off the end of his will mean fish are in the area. spear as he returned to the surface.We spent the next hour diving up and down our deeper berley spots. A few small gurnard were seen but they were few and far between, the odd grumpy sand crab turned up too and a school of kahawai made for a surprise interaction on the bottom.With the icy water getting to us and the tide going slack we decided to call it a day. We called our first ever gurnard mission a success, we certainly wouldn't call ourselves gurnard gurus but as we drove home with our sole gurnard, we couldn't On my first dive to ten metres andto expectation, a barren wasteland. help but feel satisfied at planning a I face planted into the bottom, theMeanwhile Mark had gone toridiculous mission and it paying off.visibility was that horrendous, nowcheck out the 15m berley spot. The plan this winter is to try it again that I knew what we were workingWhile breathing up, I drifted overas it proves your diving doesnt need with I took another dive using theand waited for him to return to theto come to a complete stop, grab a berley rope to guide me to thesurface, seconds went past and Imate, a bag of berley, and head to bottom where I carefully stopped justheard the unmistakable noise of theyour nearest beach, who knows what short.So far, the beach was living upgun going off, could it be? you might see.The legal size limit for gurnard is 25cm.44FISHING IN GODZONE MAGAZINE"