b'Live BaitHi Tech Plastics Have live bait tanks from 15L300L to suit your boat, complete with either portable or duckboard mounting tank combos.A gaff shot on the gill plate resulted in aVISIT: Marine - Live Bait Tanks small kink on the tip.Proving kingfish are tough fish to catch and will test all your gear. and Pumps - Hi Tech PlasticsMake sure you keep the berleyhad bridle rigged the fish becausekingfish, is to fish as if you will only going with a steady stream of scentI was going to slow troll it shouldget one shot at your fish. Deploy the and little morsels and persevere. Ifnothing turn up in my spot. About 20right gear with the right rig (strong you are fishing a great looking spot,minutes later the rod was screamingleader/hook) and tie your best knots that you know kingfish frequent,and I was on. I went hard on the fishso none of those things fail in your then fishing through the top andknowing how shallow and rocky ittime of need. Even when you get bottom phases of the tide shouldwas, hitting it with about 10kg+ ofthose things right, there are still mean a king will cross your path. Ifdrag. It was a slugfest of screamingplenty of things that can go wrong, on the other hand, youre not sureshort runs with the kingie pullingso be 100% with the things that are if your spot is a kingfish magnet butme around the boat with back-and- in your control. When your one shot there is structure worth investigatingforth bursts looking for somethingturns up, you dont want to blow it along the coast, then slow trollingto cut the line on.The circle hookbecause of angler error.your live bait is another strategy toalmost bent out despite being aThe last ingredient is patience. find the fish. decent thickness and when I gaffedKeep turning up to the likely spots, One day recently fishing in theit, my first shot along the gill plateput in the time and be observant - Hauraki Gulf I started with theput a slight kink in the tip of my gaff.keep checking the surface for activity plan to berley and live bait in 8mKingfish are tough customers andor telltale signs of where the fish are of water near a point with a decentare surprisingly adept at finding anyor where they may be feeding.Put drop off into 22m of water. I had aweaknesses in your rig. all these ingredients together and blue koheru out for a livie (one ofMy number one tip for anglersyou will get your shot and sooner or a kingfishs favourite meals) and Itrying to catch their first decentlater your fish. /FISHINGINGODZONE27'