b'Feature Dom scored a solid 75cm+ fish on a slow jig on Saturday to have one hand on the trophy on the first day of fishing.He didnt have to wait long as onMuzza holds up a good fish that first drop, he got hit hard and adestained for the smoker nice fish pulled string and gave himback at Reef Lodge on a good fight.The other boats soonSaturday evening.arrived to see him getting stuck into the solid fish and quickly dropped lines around us, eager to join the action too.It turned out to be a rat kingfish, just under legal size which we returned and soon we could hear the yells and hollering from other boats as they all started hooking up in quick succession.We had found the fish, and it was non-stop action over the next couple of hours as we hooked and released dozens of snapper and the odd kingfish.With so many fish, we only kept several that probably wouldnt survive releasing and returned healthy and bigger fish.34FISHING IN GODZONE MAGAZINE'