b'Feature His nephew Jordan Hutch-ings had caught it on his boat using a softbait and I said that must be the win-ning fish.I waited while they weighed it, and it went 12.96kgthat is 28.5lb and a monster fish!His nephew Jordan Hutchings had caught it on his boat using a softbait and I said that must be the winning fish.I waited while they weighed it, and it went 12.96kgthat is 28.5lb and a monster fish!Weighing in my two snapper and the smallest was just under 6kg and the heaviest 7.08kg which managed third spot, with a 7.55kg fish to Bryan Crosbie for second place behind Jordans huge 28.5lber.The kingfish prize went to Dylan Chamberlain with a respectable 18.04kg fish and he was crowned King of the Kaipara.Overall, an enjoyable day on the water on the Kaipara and it only makes me The massive 12.9kgmore enthusiastic about returning winning snapper on the left is nearly double thetheir soon.weight of the 7kg+ fish for second and third places.BELOW: To win the title of King of Kaipara you need to land the heaviest kingfish on the day.Webs struggled to lift it in the boatno luck.We headed to the weigh with the net, and we all knew thisin at Kellys Bay at 4pm and there fish could be in the running for a topwas a good turnout with a couple of three spot.But I pointed out thathundred people.with so many boats out today andWaiting in line to weigh my two good fish like this in the Kaipara, Ilargest fish and Evan Paxton who might not even place. was my old neighbour as a kid, was We continued fishing into thejust in front of me and said he has afternoon catching more panniesa huge snapper in the bin to show and then tried trolling for kingfishme.He opened the lid and wow! It in the upper harbour near the sandwas indeed an exceptionally large banks to switch things up but hadsnapper that looked well over 25lb.18FISHING IN GODZONE MAGAZINE'