b"FeatureWith 10kg of drag used to stop a fish from finding the rocks, this circle hook almost bent out on the writers kingfish.Attach a hook to the leader and IKingfish are current tourists and swim along cruising the would recommend dedicated live bait circle hooks either 6/0 for Jackedges, drop-offs and reefs looking for food. They would macks or 9/0 for kahawai. Blackrather eat food they don't have to swim hard for, and a Magic J hooks are good for live baiting as well, just remember youstruggling live bait is a prime candidate for a meal.will have to strike with a J hook and slowly apply pressure with a circle hook - letting the pressure come oninshore fisho can save time andcruising the edges, drop-offs and and then start playing the fish. catch both in the same place. A rockyreefs looking for food. They would point with good current and kelprather eat food they don't have to LOCATION KEY with some depth can be a good placeswim hard for, and a struggling live Location, location, location. Probablyto put down the berley and catchbait is a prime candidate for a meal. the most important part of theJack macks which are then used forThey are likely to smell your berley or riddle of catching kingfish. You havelive bait. sense the pheromones from feeding to figure out where to catch liveShallow reefs with current are alsofish around the berley and draw baits and then figure out wheretypical kingfish haunts. Kingfish arecloser to investigate, finding your live the kingfish are. This is where thecurrent tourists and swim alongbait in the process.24FISHING IN GODZONE MAGAZINE"