b'Feature The writers first fish in the morning was nudging 70cm, you can see the Pouto lighthouse over his shoulder in the background.GRAVEYARD I know of several snapper caughtand the tide was nearly high as the We launched early out the back ofat the graveyard going 30lb and thelarge (but dropping) 2m swell was Kaiwaka and headed down to thelargest kingfish I have seen was apushing up and over the bar, it made graveyard to fish amongst the bones40kg fish caught on a simple ledgerfor a very choppy and uncomfortable of over 40 shipwrecks that litteredrig with bait on a charter boat.Isea state.It is like a washing the area from when it was a busyhave caught kingfish to 16kg andmachine and if you get seasick then port for sailing ships over 150 yearssnapper to 8kg at the graveyard, soit is one of the worst places you ago.These ships came to collectwe hoped to find a few big fish forcould go.Webs and Jordan were prized kauri timber and gum, wethe contest. surprised at the conditions as the were heading to their graveyard toArriving in front of the lighthousewind was down and it was so calm fish for the prizes found there. where we would start our first driftdriving down the harbour.12FISHING IN GODZONE MAGAZINE'