b"This tasty gurnard was shot Feature at 15m and near the berley pot used to draw it in.Being scavengers, they spend their days swimming around sandy and muddy bottoms searching for crabs, molluscs, and any other nutritious morsels.Dropping multiple berley cages toAs with fishing for gurnard, the gear the sea floor the theory was thatis not overly complex. A 90cm gun the outgoing tide would bring thewas my weapon of choice, as far as gurnard right to our marked berleys,I was concerned gurnard don't swim if our theory was correct all wefast and are easy to get close to, so would need to do is sit and wait fora short accurate gun is far better our orange gold to arrive, dive downthan a long powerful one. I would and spear them, easy as that! Or soneed thick gloves and socks when we thought. diving in winter and they have sharp spikes around their heads that are BERLEY important to avoid.Now for those reading and thinkingAfter half an hour of floating but what about sharks, you arearound we approached our berley, absolutely correct, doing this inthe anticipation was too much, the peak of summer would be aconsisted of a fine oily mixture ofdonning our masks and snorkels we terrible idea, the surf beaches of thekina, pipis, sand crabs, fish framesdescended into the icy green waters. east coast are plagued by sharks inand sand. The finer the betterDisappointingly, we couldn't see summer, thankfully gurnard season iswhen it comes to gurnard berleythe bottom, but that was okay as winter into spring so it's generallyas stingrays and sharks will also beour targets would be glued to the too cold for the toothy predators,attracted, scaring the carrots off yourseafloor anyway. We had dropped don't take this as gospel though, itspatch. Having deployed our berleyour berley in various depths from 10 the ocean and anything can happen. we checked our gear ensuring thatto 20m hoping that if the gurnard With intel from the seasonedour diving equipment was top notchweren't holding in one depth, they gurnard gurus our home-made berleyfor our one chance at gurnard glory. might be in another.42FISHING IN GODZONE MAGAZINE"