b"Feature in purchasing a craft equipped with one of their systems.Anura currently offers three systems, with a fourth, S10, set to be released in April 2024.Each system is designed for a specific gross hull weight. The S15 uses a 20kW (28HP) EFI, air cooled engine. The engine is operated via Control by Wire (CBW) technology. The combination of EFI and CBW provides the hydraulic power unit's fast starting and instant response. Travel speed of up to 10km/h is delivered by custom hydraulic motors that are engineered to perform in the harsh marine environment. Traction Assist is a standard feature that provides additional drive capability on difficult terrain. Anura systems carry a 3-year transferable warranty and are proudly manufactured in New Zealand. All models of S25 and S40 are available with electric power unit options.TECTRAX - ALL ELECTRICLaunched in 2017, Tectrax is a revolutionary electric amphibious system that has been adopted by many leading alloy NZ boat builders. The system is easy to operate via its intuitive joystick and components neatly tucked away so no deck space is wasted. The fully electric brushless hub motor system is reliable, quiet, and low maintenance, with first service aligned with the outboard and yearly thereafter and is now supported by a 3-year warranty. The T4000 AWED range can be fitted to boats displacing up to 4,000kg. The electric motors are The Systems and technology, using powerful motorised,immensely powerful, with high speed steerable wheels that run off an onboardturned into high torque via a reduction SEALEGS - THE INNOVATORS powerpack. Craft can be driven fromgearbox. The T4000 offers 21.60kW of While boats with wheels have beena storage location, down a boat ramppower. Tectrax has worked to improve this around for a long time, it wasnt untilor beach and into the waterall withsystem constantly, and recent innovations the early 2000s, with the introduction ofthe occupants remaining in the boatinclude the option to charge the battery Sealegs that they became a commercialcompletely dry. All amphibious wheeledusing a solar charging upgrade which reality. Sealegs began as an idea on aboats have utilised this same basic Sealegsmeans the system can stay fully off the napkin in 2001 which quickly turned intoprinciple regardless of the brand. grid. Each rear motor has an integrated a prototype, a fibreglass inflatable withelectric parking brake for safety, and all electric wheel motors, which evolvedANURA - PLANNING FOR THE FUTUREmotors also have regenerative braking into a manufacturing company producingWorion Marine was established in(recharging the batteries) and all AWD Sealegs amphibious craft using a hydraulic2012 with the intention of offeringalong with traction control. Through a powerpack and drive motors. Based inamphibious systems to establishedcombination of chemical and mechanical Auckland and founded by locals Mauriceboat manufacturers. Recently rebadgedseals along with design, the motors Bryham and David McKee-Wright, Sealegsas Anura, demand for their systems ishave an IP69 waterproof rating (total has constantly been pioneering the waybeing driven from both international andsubmersion). Tectrax are excited to forward for amphibious boating sincedomestic craft manufacturers. We arelaunch their second-generation T3000 the first Sealegs came off the productionworking with a number of global craftElectric Amphibious system in 2023. This line in 2004. Today there are over 1650manufacturers to provide amphibiousnew system builds upon over 5 years of Sealegs craft spread over more thanoptions for their current models. The USoperating electric amphibious systems, fifty countries around the globe, and themarket is looking especially exciting as wecustomer feedback and, importantly, company has dedicated offices in thehave enquiries from multiple well-knownsignificant advances in the electric vehicle United States, Australia, and France, asmanufacturers in the US, advised a Anuraindustry. Initially targeting the 3-tonne well as a wide network of distributorsrepresentative. After sales support is arange, the team are launching a number of and service agents. Sealegs introduced tokey focus for the company, and they haveprototype boats this year with this game the boating market 16 years ago a simpleestablished a global service platform tochanging technology, with production due concept enabled by clever engineeringensure the end user has full confidenceto start in 2024.FIGZ70FISHING IN GODZONE SUMMER ISSUE #48"