b'Feature ON WATER EARLYThe old saying the early bird catches the worm is never more relevant for the angler looking to catch fish in summer.Over on the east coast in particular, the number of boaties, kayakers, jet skiers, surfers and swimmers are at an all-time high on the water over December to February.This means noise, and snapper are overly sensitive to it and if you want to score fish then get out at the crack of dawn before the masses arrive in force.I would look to fish shallow first, under 15m looking for good baitfish sign or off the back of a sandy bay or beach behind the last breakers.This is a good place to find fish patrolling the surf line for food in shallow before the sun rises high and they retreat to deeper water.As the sun moves higher in the morning you should head out deeper to fish from 20-30m drifting over any sign hard on the bottom and dropping down your softbaits.Keep an eye on your drift sped and use a drogue if too fast to slow down.Often, we employ the electric Minn Kota once we find fish, it is deployed to spot lock us over good sign so we can continue to work the area and take a few fish from this spot and when fish interest drops An electric trolling motor such as theaway, we simply turn off the motor to let Minn Kota offers stealth advantagesus drift further along until we find more when hunting the shallows. fish on the Lowrance.Find the bait and work your softbaits through these areas to locate larger predators.30FISHING IN GODZONE SUMMER ISSUE #48'