b'Feature As the light changes from dark to light, start in the shallows and then fish deeper water. This was a nice morning fish caught in shallow water.10 Multiple rods drifting.Investing in a net to When lure fishing and fish arent incatch your own bait will the usual places try drifting with an extrasave you a lot of dollars rod or two out with different lures. Thisand fresh bait can be may be a good time to put on a slider. Itthe difference on tough is quite amazing how just the easy roll offishing days.the boat can entice fish to bite when a handheld rod doesnt work the same. Im not sure why but I can be fishing for hours and the moment I pick up a sandwich the fish strikes. Or the moment I go to answer the call of nature the reel starts screaming. Having no one hold a rod but having it just placed in the holder can pay off.11 Evening trips. Once the holiday period is over, it is worth thinking about some after-work (short) missions in local areas (if you are close to water) to try and figure out when and where the fish bite. Being able to12 Net your own fresh bait.source of bait. You can set a mullet net head out once or twice a week for a duskBuy a mullet net and use it!Greyand come back after you have done fish in different places can really pay offmullet are excellent eating fish whensome harbour fishing without having to to find the patterns the local fish follow.smoked (maybe the best smoked fishwait around. The hardest part is trying Its immensely rewarding to crack thebecause of their oil content) and maketo figure out whether you freeze it for fishing code and be able to predict goodexcellent bait. The cost of bait is gettingbig snapper trips or smoke em up for a bags of fish. higher and higher, and mullet are a gooddelicious meal.FIGZ18FISHING IN GODZONE SUMMER ISSUE #48'