b"Feature Tom with a nice pannie speared that was resting in a gutter.PRIME SPOTS and cranny.This must be done silently,quietly using the gutter and seaweed as The first and most obvious part of acalmly and without erratic movements socover, become one with the reef.snapper snoop is finding the target. Asbeing comfortable under water is super we now know snapper dont just hangimportant, any unnatural movement willGEARout anywhere. Areas with good current,spook all snapper in the vicinity. When snapper snooping what gear plenty of cover and deepwater nearby areWhen snooping we need to stay calmyou use becomes a lot more important. ideal snapper haunts. Flat sandy bays areand on the bottom for as long as possible.Camouflage helps to break up your outline no good for snapper snooping as there isBut as mentioned above not all spots areso that if a fish does see you whilst edging little cover, a snapper will see you fromsuitable for snooping, and large swellstowards them, they may be confused just miles away and be gone before you canwill make your slow calm movementslong enough to pull off a shot. Simple get anywhere near it for a shot. Veryparticularly challenging so its best toblack, brown, green, and red all make for deep drop offs arent ideal for snapperavoid those rough exposed locations.great camo. As for the pattern?Well, snooping either because there is no coverInstead look for calm sheltered bays withthats up to your choice of suit.until you get to the bottom and by thengood boulder country and rocky reefs.Most seasoned snapper spearos also use you would have notified every fish in theBig blocks, boulders and sticky-out bitsa reel, just like you would use on a fishing area that you were there. A deep drop toof reef are ideal for snooping in, you canrod, it is a great tool to use alongside your get to the bottom is also not ideal as thesneak along them and over them forfloat line. A float line, although important key to snapper snooping is spending asmany metres without fish seeing you. Itsfor safety by marking your spot and much time on the bottom as you can, andimportant to treat every rock and drop offalerting boaties that you are in the water, a deep dive may mean you have a veryas if there was a fish on the other side ofcan cause problems when snooping. limited bottom time. it, dont get complacent because if you getThere's nothing worse than creeping along On the topic of bottom time, a goodinto a good habit of sneaking over everyextending to take a shot only to find your breath hold is essential for successfulpiece of promising terrain it wont be longfloat line wrapped around a rock. For this snapper snooping. You need to be ablebefore you get on to snapper. Guttersreason, many spearos unclip their float to dive down and become one withleading off into the deep are also greator float boat from their gun and leave the reef, drifting in and out of gutters,places to snoop, again you want to get asit anchored a short distance away from over boulders peering in every nooklow as possible and sneak your way alongwhere they plan to snoop.42FISHING IN GODZONE SUMMER ISSUE #48"