b'KAYAK FISHINGRemember to always use a heavy-dutyRemember to alwayscentralizes the baitfish so that they wont leash on your rod before you even drop.move away from the area.The amount of pressure on the rod canuse a heavy-dutyMy reels clicker is set so I will be be immense. I drop the live mackerelleash on your rod beforealerted to a take and the drag is just halfway down since this is where mostabove free spool. I want the kingfish to of the marks turn up on the sounder. Iyou even drop. The amounttake the mackerel with no resistance. often dont have to wait long before theof pressure on the rod canWhen that clicker starts screaming, I poor mackerel is getting harassed. If theslowly increase the drag up to strike and kingies arent around, I drop the anchorbe immense. I drop the livethen wind steadily to roll the circle hook down and set up a berley trail to keepmackerel halfway downinto the kingies mouth. both me and the baitfish amused. I willWhen fighting these fish, its important even catch a few gurnard or snappersince this is where mostto not over balance the kayak since there while I wait. The amount of commotionof the marks turn up oncan be a heap of load on the rod. I always in the berley will nearly always bringpoint the rod forwards to the bow until a kingfish in looking for a feed. It alsothe sounder. the king is under control. Since a good 80FISHING IN GODZONE JAN/FEB 2021'