b'Test DriveLand Rover Defender 110 240SEBEWARE THE WOLFLand Rover DefenderBY MATHEW HEWETSON The new Land Rover Defender is like a wolf in sheeps clothing, first appearances are deceiving but when you head of in search of an adventure, you are left wanting for more.T he often-usedbought the Land Rover newand headed north towards phrase of afrom the local dealer when heOmamari.I found a deep, wolf in sheepssold his farm in the late 60shalf tide hole and proceeded clothingand moved into town.Thatto get bites on every cast and describes asLand Rover stayed with ourlanded five fat snapper.I was somethingfamily until the late nineties, itbuzzing and it was getting playing on yourwas a special vehicle to myselflate and Pa suggested we emotions, either spiritually,and my cousins as we enjoyedhead home as the tide was physically, or emotionally. many fun family trips downrushing in.He was happy just The emotional manipulationthe beach over the years. watching me pull the fish in is the primary tool of theOn one such trip, I can recallbut in my eager youth he had wolf.With this definition, Iwhen I had just received mythe wise knowledge to know think the new Defender hitsnew drivers licence as a 17- it was time to head off.the mark! year old who had also caughtYou could say Land Rover Going back in time, Ithe fishing bug.It had beenhad been an important part learnt to drive as a youngblowing easterly and I phonedin my early years and when teen in my grandfathersup Pa to see if I could borrowthe chance came recently to Series II Land Rover alongthe Landy to go surfcasting. test drive the new Defender, I Godzones longest beachHe agreed on the conditionwas interested to see if there off the Dargaville coast. that I take him.We drove thewould be any connection to Ken Hewetson or Pa to me,slow trip out to Ripiro Beachmy past. 52FISHING IN GODZONE JAN/FEB 2021'