b'LBG KINGS Supreme lubricantRod Holders ledge, Spirits Bay.The site of my first respectable LBGfor a smooth action kingfish and a place where many anglers trek to battle kingies.and protection from the salt!GO HEAVY ON ROCKSway I can let it run a bit and not have toWhen I target kingfish The very nature of fishing off the rocksworry. This kind of knowledge I learnt makes kingfish a challenging option. Thefrom numerous heart-breaking bust offsoff the rocks, I do a bit habitat comes with a hundred differentagainst my green and yellow foes. of risk analysis of the spot Im opportunities for the line to be cut if the kingfish pulls the line past a piece ofLOST GIANT fishing. Can I see underwater rock. I can recount at least one instanceIve lost some big fish over the years.ledges or rocks that a kingfish where I hooked a kingfish off the rocksThe biggest one (that I saw) was on an on 24kg line and within seconds it hadisland in the Bay of Islands. My kahawaiwould head for?"screamed to the bottom and the line waswas a fat 2kg+ specimen and the kingInox lubricants are sliced. One fight went a full two seconds!inhaled it on the surface like it was amarlin (one swam past my rock the next There was no time to put pressure onbaby anchovy. Im guessing it was a likelyday). I had a big kahawai out for live bait,the superior choice for the fish, even though I had pushed the80lb fish. It seemed to wonder whatand it got snaffled. I was hoping for a lever to strike (about 8kg of drag) andthat tickling in its throat was when I didmarlin obviously as the unseen predatorfishing tackle, boat and tried to haul its head around.the strike almighty and started pullingdived for the bottom some 30m below. I usually use 24kg mono to giveit close to shore. Then it realised thatNot really marlin tactics however withtrailer maintenance, myself a fighting chance, but even thismaybe there was a little bit of danger12-13kg of drag dialled up on my 50W line weight isnt enough to win everyand it kicked into gear and dived atand kitted up with a Black Magic gimbalgiving you greater encounter. When I target kingfish offmy feet and along the ledge, throughand kidney harness, I certainly felt theprotection and longer the rocks, I do a bit of risk analysis of thethe bed of mussels, slicing my line likepressure of a heavyweight opponent on spot Im fishing. Can I see underwaterbutter and off into the Pacific Oceanthe other end.use of your gear!ledges or rocks that a kingfish wouldsomewhere. Its encounters like this thatA series of strong runs got me thinking head for? If I am aware of such obstaclesmake you wonder what it takes to landthat maybe it was a small black marlin? I know where I can let the fish run, or ifa kingfish. It hugged deep and eventually yielded I must go all out and stand and deliverGoing up in line strength doesntto the pressure I was putting on it. I to stop it from escaping. I can also plannecessarily mean you can stop themwas fishing with a stand-up rod, so where I need to position myself on thewinning their freedom although mythe fish was supposed to feel the rocks throughout the fight to avoidbiggest king (30kg) was landed on 37kgpain instead of the angler, but it wasINOX IS AVAILABLE AT MOST TACKLE AND RETAIL OUTLETSbeing cut off. Knowing where the cleargear. Again, it was on an island but thisstill a slugging match despite theseIncluding: Top Catch, Hunting and Fishing, Burnsco, Smart Marine, TWL, water is, means if the fish heads thattime in the Coromandel, I was targeting atechnological advantages. Marine Deals, BNT Auto, Saeco Wilson and Marine & Industrial Lubricants.22FISHING IN GODZONE JAN/FEB 2021 www.inoxnz.co.nz'