b'SNAPPER LURESEvanas husband Justin Corricis a seasoned lure angler.O ur snapper or tamure, iscleaner and less smelly, secondly lures lastJAPANESE LURE INFLUENCEone of the most abundanta lot longer than a piece of bait and lastly,Lure innovation is going from strength of fish species here incatching fish on lures is deemed moreto strength, many of the design Godzone and a commonrewarding with the skill of the angler toideas coming out are derived from species for the dinnertrick the fish. the effective and popular Japanese table, whether freshlyThe earliest fishing lures are said to havelures. Being that the same species of caught, bought from thebeen iron, bronze and copper spoon luressnapper (silver seabream) are found supermarket or at themade by Nordic people from the 8th-13thin Japan, its no wonder that these local fish n chip shop. century AD.With English tackle shopslures and fishing techniques are as With so many ways torecorded as selling tin minnows in thesuccessful in Godzone.catch snapper, both in equipment andmiddle of the 18th century, and realisticOne of those lures and my go to in technique, its always an eventful dayimitations of bugs and grubs made fromwhen fishing in the gulf is the Daiwa out on the water and forever a learningpainted rubber appeared as early as 1800. Kohga (Red Fang).This sliding kabura experience to increase your skillset.MyHere in Godzone, early Maori were alsodesign is the culmination of 50 first few experiences snapper fishing weremasters of lure making, with paua shellsyears of Japanese lure development. using bait but, after starting work at Rodembedded in wood with bone hooks toAlthough this style of lure and fishing & Reel tackle store, I was intrigued by thetroll behind their waka for kahawai andis relatively new to Godzone, the colourful and shiny walls of lures.kingfish (haku).Check out the greatJapanese have been at the forefront Many anglers prefer to use lures insteadexhibition in Wellington at Te Papa if youof sliding lure development for over of bait for a few reasons, firstly they areare ever there. 100 years.28FISHING IN GODZONE JAN/FEB 2021'