b'ProfileSplashdrone and SPRY+surf break.There is always more risk with wind currents at higher altitudes.15.Always follow the local and national laws governing the use of drones.16.Do not drain your battery completely, as this damages your battery and at worst could become a fire risk. Draining your battery while the drone is the in the air and attempting to force the drone to remain airborne risks a drone crash.17.Monitor the battery Level and when the battery gets to 14.8V (for You must calibrate yourSplashdrone 3+), then land the drone drone before every flight andsafely immediately.monitor your battery levels. 18.If you are planning to do multiple sets in one session, it is a good idea to charge up additional batteries the Tips for flying and fishing with night before going fishing, that way SPLASHDRONE & SPRY+ 19.you can quickly change out batteries for your next flight.Never store your batteries fully charged, or fully drained.Only store SPLASHDRONE AND SPRY+ SET UPthe distance measure on the remotebatteries at around 50% charge.01.Setup your rod/reel, line, sinker, andcontrol screen as the drone move out20.Always calibrate your drone before traces, then bait the hooks. Best toover the water. every flight.The sensors are sensitive place the rod in a beach spike.It is09.ts a good idea to have a second pairand therefore require this calibration also advisable to keep a light dragof eyes watch the reel as it feedsto be safe.setting on the reel so the line canout line, to ensure that there are no21.When you have finished fishing freely peel from the rod withoutcatches or or line over runs. for the day, clean down the drone any friction. 10.Once the drone reaches the desiredby make sure the lid is securely 02.Set the traces near your drone anddistance from the beach - simply letfastened down, and then lightly ensure the drone is checked for anygo of the right joystick (to go intospray the drone down with a fine wear and tear that might cause issueshover mode) and click the payloadmist of fresh water from a hose to while flying. release lever, which will cause the lineremove any salt.do not use harsh 03.Ensure there are at least 12 satellitesto drop into the sea. water force while cleaning. FIGZshowing on the remote display, and11.The drone is now separate from your battery is showing at least 16.2Vyour line, which will now sink to the (for Splashdrone 3+) seabed.At this point, click thereturnUse a beach spike to keep 04.Carry out the calibration process. home switch.The drone will nowyour rod in when launching and flying the drone to 05.Open the bait release on the droneauto return to the beach, landingdrop baits.using the switch on the remote, hookwithin a metre of where it first took the trace loop into the release clip. off from.06.Place the drone on a flat area of ground, well clear of any obstaclesFISHING TIPS(with the front of the drone facing12.Drone fishing is best done on calm towards the sea and away from you). days or days with a light breeze.07.Stand at least 5 metres away from13.Always make sure that before you the drone, ensure that other people,fly your drone, the top lid is securely children, and dogs are well away fromfastened down with the thumbFishing off beaches the drone. screws.Also make sure that if youwith a Splashdrone 08.Upon take off, lifting the drone offdrone comes with a recordableor SPRY+ is best on the ground and lift the trace to thecamera - that the SD card seal is alsocalm days or with desired height, you should thensecurely locked down. light breezes.be able to let the left Joystick go14.When you raise/fly up your drone as the drone should automaticallywhile it is traced up with your line, hold its height.Keep pushing thethere is no need to lift the drone too drone forward while taking note ofhigh, the traces need to just clear the 42FISHING IN GODZONE JAN/FEB 2021'