b"SPEARING KINGIESMitch Jackson nailed a kingfish in 10m at the Mercury Islands.Kingfish are inquisitive fish, so it's more than likely they will hear the commotion of your dive and come to check you out, at this point it's important to stay calm. As tempting as it is, don't chase them around, let them come to you. Strumming your rubbers can also entice them in for a closer look, it may take a few dives but as they become more comfortable with you in their environment, they will come closer into range and this is where everything comes together.First off, be sure to do a final check that your rope is not wrapped around your legs, arms, head or weight belt so that you are safe in the knowledge that you won't be dragged off. Once you're cleared of A good school of kingfish seenline take aim at the head of the fish. You here shadowing kahawai. either want to go for a stone shot which is 66FISHING IN GODZONE JAN/FEB 2021"