b'SPEARING KINGIES A big float is important to dive safe and be seen, while stopping a kingie from reefing you.However, not every rock will have kings on it all day every day. The key is current. If there\'s no current, there will be no plankton sweeping through which is food for baitfish."STARTING OUT where the current will be running at itsor head and that it\'s not tangled in your Kingfish are a predatory fish; this meansstrongest, mixing with other currentsweight belt. Many experienced spearos they eat smaller fish we call baitfish.and where the fish are most likely to behave had the misfortune of having a Baitfish are generally going to congregateschooling.I have had times where onerope tangle around them and drag them on upwellings, pinnacles, and anywhereside of the rock is teeming kingfish whiledown, this is where a good sharp knife is there is a bit of structure and thesethe backside is dead, remember currentinvaluable. No fish is worth your life so are the best places to hunt. However,is always key. be prepared to cut your rope if you were not every rock will have kings on itto get tangled.all day every day. The key is current.GEAR Ensure a big bright orange float and If there\'s no current, there will be noThe gear for shooting a kingfish is prettyAlpha (blue/white) flag is attached to the plankton sweeping through which is foodbasic but particularly important. It mustother end of your rope via a shark clip.for baitfish. be simple and strong, any weaknessesThis is used to stop a fish taking off with This point is crucial, remember yourin the gear will be found and exploitedyour gear and is crucial boats are aware spot needs some current runningby a kingfish leaving you with brokenyou are in the water and to slow down, through it, schools of demoiselles aregear, and a broken heart. When huntingremember 5 knots within 200m of a diver great indicators as are pink maomaokingfish leave the ego at home and keepand dive flag, be safe be seen!because they also love good current.your gear solid and simple.I use the Another indicator that kingfish shouldMares 120cm Viper with a 15-30m floatPATIENCE & SHOT PLACEMENTbe around are the baitfish themselves. line and a large float at the end. ThereSo, you know roughly where the kingfish When Jack mackerel or koheru are lit upare many other rigs you can use to targetare, your gear is ready to go and now in their bright yellow colours in a tightkingfish, like reel guns, and breakawayyou just need to find and put a spear in a ball and looking a little nervous, there\'srigs but these are complicated and takelegal fish.This is where patience comes probably some big kingfish lurking downa lot more skill and experience to use.Inin.If you\'re diving in the right location, deep and it won\'t be too long till theythe hands of a beginner with a powerfulkingfish can be anywhere from the show themselves. Be patient, you\'refish, theyre usually a recipe for disaster. surface to all the way down the water in the right spot and it\'s just a matterEven with a simple float and line rigcolumn, to just off the bottom. When of time. it is still important that you manageyou\'ve found your spot, the first thing to Once you find a bit of current andyour line, simply swim into the currentdo is take your time with a big breath up. some reef. It\'s time to figure out whereso that your line is always trailing outYou might be feeling a little excited and exactly the kingies will be holding. Thebehind you and is less likely to tangle.your heart will be racing, so slow it down.most likely place is the top of the rock,Before you dive make sure there are noOnce you\'re comfortable, take one more also known as a pressure point. This isloops of rope around your arms, legs,big breath and begin the descent.64FISHING IN GODZONE JAN/FEB 2021'