b'are mostly found in good numbers Feature in the North Island, while the chukar is restricted to South Island high country.As I typically hunt in Northland, the common Chinese ring-necked pheasant is predominant here, along with Californian quail and then brown quail.All three birds prefer dry habitats such as gullies with plenty of sun, scrub for cover and insects, fresh clover, or berries for food.Forestry, sandy dune country, and farmland with manuka or gorse are favoured habitat and good places to start hunting.Inkberry, wattle trees and lupin are three seed favourites for pheasant, so if you find locations that have these then you should be in prime country.Inkberry, wattle trees and lupin are three seed favourites for pheasant, so if you find locations that have these then you should Sun drenched gullies with pines,be in prime country.gorse and scrub are prime habitat for quail and pheasant.A n upland game bird is an American term that refers to non-waterfowl game, typically for quail, pheasant, chukar, grouse, woodcock, and partridge.These species are all obviously distinct from waterfowl (ducks, geese, and swans) and thrive in upland regions which offer a different challenge for hunters.Here in Godzone, the first three birds mentioned (quail, pheasant and chukar) were introduced for hunting.With three quail species (Californian, bobwhite and brown) and pheasantFinding fresh tracks in the sand dunes being the most common whichindicates pheasant are close by.72FISHING IN GODZONE MAGAZINE'