b'to try some bait and berley. These Feature Its hard to beat a platereefy areas also hold John dory so of hot fresh snapperlive baits are worth deploying along and chips in winter, but it wont happen sittinghere as well. As the winter gives way on the couch. to spring, trevally start to make an appearance as well.Further north is Mahurangi harbour which has a few spots for the land-based fisher. Parking at Sullivans Bay and walking out to the point around low tide will give access to numerous ledges. Be prepared to wade back to the car park after half-tide. If you want to venture further north again for more solitude then Mangawhai has some good ledges if you walk along the beach on the A few spots around Auckland thatthese rocks provides a lot of kelpnorthern side of the estuary.tend to lend themselves to winterand cover for foraging snapper. AWhile winter may not be the most fishing are Wellington reef on theberley trail will attract mackerel,pleasant time to go fishing, the fish north side of the Whangaparaoasprats, and piper which makeare worth catching and you can find Peninsula - a good spot to launch isexcellent fresh baits. Launchingnew hot spots during the colder Army Bay, especially in a southerly.at Hatfields Beach (youll get yourweather. If you see a window of The reef has rocks breaking thefeet wet as you do at Army Bay)opportunity, get out there and give surface and the extended patch ofand heading north provides a fewit a go, no one ever caught a fish shallow 2-8m water surroundingsmall estuaries with rocky pointssitting at home on their couch.Moving down to a lighter 12kg leader or 6kg mainline can help fool wary fish.30FISHING IN GODZONE MAGAZINE'