b'FeatureTrevally often turn up in the shallows, especially in late winter close to springtime.Nasty weather that prohibits fishersFresh bloody baits down from venturing offshore meansa berley trail is a great sheltering in close pays off - youstrategy in winter.are more likely to find some good fishing spots because you are forced to change your tactics. I have found some good spots in the shallows simply because bad weather forced me to look closer to land and it paid off. The other consideration is that there will be winter locations that hold fish only in winter and not in summer - so this is your chance to catch them.If there has been a lot of fresh water coming down the rivers and into the harbours, you are more likely to find kahawai in the murkier waterfishing with bait and berley. A shallowcarry a layer of fat that adds to their close to these areas of runoff andwater strayline session in winter iseating qualities and there is nothing less snapper. Murky water howeverone of my favourite pastimes and thequite like a golden brown deep fried from wind and heavy swell (and lesssmell of bloody, oily food can turnfresh fillet of snapper beside a bunch runoff) is an excellent place to bethe fish on. Winter snapper will oftenof crispy fried chips in winter.26FISHING IN GODZONE MAGAZINE'