b'Drone selection is important toDenys Suckling with two large handle the rougher conditions ofsnapper caught drone fishing off the Tasman, Splash Drones areRipiro Beach, Northland.well built and saltwater resistant.although as a rule of thumb 20 knot wind is generally too strong for most drones particularly when you are also asking the drone to carry a bait and sinker payload as well.SPOTS AND TIMING WHEN TO GO hour incoming is a great time to fish.The fourth point is also importantComing up to the New Moon is also to get right.Just like any stylea good time fishing out west.Its of fishing if you have the wrongalso critical to fish specific areas of conditions for fishing or if the fishthe beach that are known to hold are not biting, then you are wastingfish, look for things like pipi or tuatua your time, and we are all there toshellfish beds (natural food sources) catch fish, right? as they are good start.Also, look for Firstly, its important to understandgulls gathering on the beach as they if there are any fish in the generalare good indicators for the shellfish location where you are fishing,beds, again this is where a bit of local often this is where local knowledgeknowledge can really come in handy!comes in really handy.You can joinOf course, many of these points are local beach communities on socialalso relevant when you are drone media to follow for tips and sharefishing on the east coast also, its photos if you fish there regularly. just that the east coast is a vastly There will be times of the year whendifferent coastal environment, let fish are more abundant than othersalone fishing environment than the and this often has a great deal towest side.Feel free to reach out to do with reproduction cycles of yourus if you need any more information target species. or want to ask us a question.Another crucial factor is the tides.Many good west coast beach anglersFOR MORE INFORMATIONwe know like to fish around lowVisit: dronefishing.co.nztide.Two hours before low and an/FISHINGINGODZONE59'