b'Tested Kiwi-Kraft 780WAWIND ARRIVES down and headed straightbe uncomfortable. video by clicking the link With all the photos andthrough the channel atThe Kiwi-Kraft 780below to check out the drone footage out of thespeed! The boat laughedWalk Around is anotheraction from the test day.way it was nearing middayoff the conditions, andpontoon design that and the souwest wind waswe marveled at howimpressed me and withOTHER FEATURES picking up strongly. Wecomfortable the ride wasthe amount of kit andThis boat is of course built headed to the infamousin such a poor sea. tech on board, I thinkto NZ CPC Standard, as Motuihe Channel with anIt must be seen to bethis has to be up there asare all Kiwi-Krafts from incoming tide providingbelieved how the Kiwi- one of the best pontoon5m. Standard features the ideal place to test theKraft Hushtec hull andboats I have been on.such as Sliding windows vessel out in some verytube design came into itsA big call, but you mustboth sides, wiper, all messy conditions (windown in such conditions.give credit where creditsgrab rails, walk through against tide). We arrivedThe ride is comfortable,due, and Kiwi-Kraft havetransom and door, cockpit to find a good chop withsoft and with no pounding,shown what 30 yearsand cabin lighting, trim white caps and the windand when looking aroundof experience in alloytab plates, underfloor kill was picking up past 20at the sea state, yourpontoon boats gets you. tank/storage, step down knots, we didnt even slowmind thinks this shouldMake sure you view thefront bunk area giving 66FISHING IN GODZONE MAGAZINE'